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  • Amethyst Oval Tumble Faceted Beads

Amethyst Oval Tumble Faceted Beads

  • 8100288
  • £12.00 per strand  exc.VAT

    Amethyst comes from the Greek word 'Amethystos' meaning 'not intoxicated', it got its name because it was believed to be the stone that wards off drunkeness. It is now believed to be used to reduce stress, increase self-love and promote healthy sleep. It can be worn in a number of different ways, many jewellers polish and shape this stone for rings, earrings, cufflinks and brooches.

    To distinguish a fake amethyst from a real one, real amethyst gemstones will have colour zoning which means they have shades of white, blue and purple. They do not have bubbles in the stone but may have some slight impurities beneath the surface.

    Bead size: 13.3mm x 8.8mm x 7.7mm 

    Weight of 1 bead: 1.2 grams

    Weight of string: 49.7 grams

    String length: 37cm

    Hole size: 0.5mm

    Number of beads on 1 string: 24 beads

    Colour: Purple

    Supplied as: String